Digging deeperPlant Library

Results 1 to 10 of 228
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Tyler Blue Balsam Fir - New For 2025!
Abies balsamea 'Tyler Blue'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  25 feet
Spread:  15 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A distinctive selection with beautiful, lush blue needles that are soft to the touch; fairly compact, pyramidal and open, with a...

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White Fir
Abies concolor

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  40 feet
Spread:  20 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

One of the most beautiful and adaptable firs, but not for every location; avoid hot or dry sites; good bluish-white color and...

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Candicans White Fir
Abies concolor 'Candicans'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  30 feet
Spread:  10 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A tall, narrow and adaptable fir tree, but not for every location, avoid hot or dry sites; good silvery-blue color all season...

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Golden Korean Fir
Abies koreana 'Aurea'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  20 feet
Spread:  13 feet
Sunlight:  shade to partial shade

An uncommon but highly artistic fir tree with rich golden needles and an irregularly spreading form; a wonderful accent tree for...

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Jack Frost® Arctic Jade® Maple
Acer 'isIAJ'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  20 feet
Spread:  15 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A great accent tree for cold climate home landscapes, combining the hardiness and durability of the Korean maple, with the beauty...

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North Wind® Japanese Maple
Acer 'IsINW'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  20 feet
Spread:  15 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

An elegant ornamental tree with leaves that emerge a bright red, then turn green during summer, finishing off with a display of...

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Ice Dragon™ Maple
Acer 'IsliD'

Plant Type:  patio tree
Height:  8 feet
Spread:  10 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A stunning landscape choice bred for superior hardiness, this fine small accent tree features graceful, finely cut foliage that...

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Crimson Sunset® Maple
Acer 'JFS-KW202'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  40 feet
Spread:  25 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A lovely upright and compact ornamental tree with great form, producing deep purple summer foliage that matures to maroon-crimson...

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Ruby Sunset® Maple
Acer 'JFS-KW249'

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  25 feet
Spread:  20 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A lovely tree with elegant foliage that stays fresh and glossy all season; stunning, deep ruby red fall color; a great tree for...

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Amur Maple
Acer ginnala

Plant Type:  tree
Height:  20 feet
Spread:  20 feet
Sunlight:  partial shade to full sun

A choice small tree, among the hardiest of all maples; incredible fall colors ranging from orange to scarlet and burgundy red,...

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